Awakin Call on June 13th at 12 pm Eastern, 4 pm GMT

May 26, 2015
Workshops / Events

I hope you will join me as the speaker on June 13th at 12 pm Eastern, 4 pm GMT for an hour call entitled Conflict as a Call to Sing Our Proudest Souls’ Anthems.  ServiceSpace, who hosts these calls, describes these gatherings as “a weekly conference call that anyone from around the world can dial into. It is completely free, without any ads or solicitation. Each call features a unique theme and an inspiring guest speaker.” I am very honored and humbled to be chosen as an Awakin Call speaker especially as I note that the Jacob Needleman is the next speaker. Check out for more information on this wonderful resource and click here to RSVP for the call.

Deidre Combs

Deidre Combs is the author of three books on cross-cultural approaches to resolving conflict and overcoming challenges:  The Way of ConflictWorst Enemy, Best Teacher  and Thriving Through Tough Times. The books integrate perennial wisdom from the world’s lasting cultural traditions with systems theory and brain research.

Dr. Combs is a management consultant, executive coach, mediator and core instructor in Montana State University’s Leadership Fellows Certificate Program and Columbia University’s Teacher’s College Global Competence Certificate Program. Since 2007, she has also taught intensive leadership training to State Department-selected students, teachers and professional leaders from throughout the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Eurasia, Latin America and Pakistan’s FATA region.

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